Posts by Year


Social Vulnerability

3 minute read

The concept of social vulnerability, particularly as measured by the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI), has gained prominence in the field of disaster risk a...

Navigating Error and Uncertainty

3 minute read

Uncertainty and GIS GIS today creates the impression that geographic representations are inherently precise, and that spatial analysis can flawlessly encaps...

Reproduction of Chakraborty Study 2021

1 minute read

In our reproduction and reanalysis study of “Social Inequities in the Distribution of COVID-19: An Intra-Categorical Analysis of People with Disabilities in ...

Reproducible and Open Source GIS

6 minute read

To what extent does open-source GIS help solve the problems of the reproducibility crisis for geography? How? Before diving into the question, we need to de...

Is GIS a Science?

2 minute read

GIS as a Science Science builds on previous theories, takes empirical data, is complex, and makes meaning out of discoveries. Whether GIS counts as “science...

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